Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Pregnancy Update - 40 Weeks Plus"

OK, so I'm officially past due.  For some reason, I really didn't think that I would go past 40 weeks.  However, I was wrong!  I saw my doctor on Monday, and she did a procedure that she said could speed up the process but so far nothing has happened.  I have also been walking a lot, eating spicy food and taking special herbs to help induce the labor; but again nothing.  If I don't have the baby before tomorrow, I will go to the hospital tomorrow afternoon for a sonogram and stress test for the baby.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a few days late, but they just want to take every precaution that little Asher is still cozy in there.  I think he is perfectly fine; he is just taking his time.  I still feel him moving around like crazy.  He probably just knows how cold it got outside this week, and he is warm and comfortable in there!  The main issue is that he is just in there getting bigger at this point, and I definitely don't want that.  My Mom and Dad came on Monday to witness the big event, but they actually have to leave Friday morning.  Somehow I don't get the impression that Asher is feeling the pressure! :)  Also, I'm hoping to use my hospital's birthing center, but I only have eligibility until Sunday.  Everyone please say a little prayer that I will deliver before then.  Otherwise, I still feel great.  I don't feel at all uncomfortable, but I'm just so excited and ready to meet our little baby!


The Lopez's said...

Raina, you're looking great for being 40 plus weeks pregnant! Asher will come when he's ready. He's probably giggling inside how he's tricked everyone with this so called due date. We can't wait to meet him!

BParrish said...

Couple of things you need to know:
"Due dates" were arbitrarily set as an average. Asian women tend to deliver earlier than 40 weeks and Caucasian women tend to deliver slightly after 41 weeks, so they averaged. Don't get talked into an induction! If your body is not ready it could lead to a cesarean.
Once the 40 week mark has been reached, babies weight gain levels off a little, so he's not gaining that much weight in there.
You look GREAT in that workout class! I should show that to all my moms....