Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Week Two With Our Little Boy"

This week we have really started settling into our new life with Asher.  After only two weeks it is already hard to imagine life without him.  We are so in love with him, and I get so excited over every new expression or sound that he makes.
Last Thursday we went back to our pediatrician for his one week check-up, and the doctor was amazed that he had gained 12 ounces in one week!  I know I mentioned before how much he likes to eat! :)
His big appetite might also account for my night-time delirium as I am waking up a lot for feedings.  The other night my sister was watching him so I could get a little sleep before his next feeding.  She came into my room when he was ready to eat and called my name.  She told me that I rolled over and stared at her blankly.  I then sat up and started madly digging through the covers saying, "I can't find his head"!  My sister was of course still holding him!  Oh my - I'm really learning what it is like to be a first time Mom!
Also, we are all now completely oblivious to pee and poop.  Asher has christened all of us with his pee-pee.  His nursery wall has also been drenched, and he frequently even manages to get it on his own face.  I know this sounds disgusting, but we have yet to master containing it during diaper changes.  I'm sure we will soon be experts - I hope!
Well, thanks to Chelsea we have a lot more pictures of this little boy - enjoy!

Asher all bundled up - it is getting really cold here already!

Just chillin'

As you can tell, all of Asher's clothes are still pretty big on him!  However, he does not let it cramp his hip sense of fashion.

I just love those little toes!

Asher had a lot of visitors this week and made a lot of new friends.  This is Asher telling Madelina how much he loves the mural she painted for him.

Jamie stopped by for a visit - he was obviously very comfortable with her!

The Lopez family also made their acquaintance with Asher this week.

"Week Two Continued"

I know that Serena and Asher will be great friends.  They are only three months apart.

I'm sure that Devin has a lot that he could teach Asher, and Sam and Andrew definitely have a lot that they could teach us about raising a little boy!

Serena is growing so much, and she is gorgeous!

Corydon is sharing his fashion secrets with Asher.

Arsene was Asher's first visitor, and they became instant friends. :)

Our happy family.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Our First Week With Asher"

Our first week with Asher has been amazing!  We are already so in love with him.  He gets cuter every day, and he is such a sweet baby!  He is pretty chill and only gets fussy when he is hungry.  He loves to eat just like his Mom and Dad! :)  Other than the lack of sleep, I'm also doing great.  I love being a Mom, and I never could have imagined the overwhelming flood of emotions that having this little guy would bring.

We have lots of pictures to share thanks to Nanny Chelsea.  On top of all of her other important duties, she has also taken on the title of photographer extraordinaire.  Enjoy the pics!!!

Asher's first day home from the hospital.

"Parenting 101"

This is Asher's first outing - we took a walk in Astoria Park.  The leaves are so gorgeous this time of the year!

This is obviously a week of many firsts - he actually seemed to enjoy his first bath!

Well, maybe he was a little apprehensive!

That's better...

All clean! :)

Go Dawgs!

Stella getting in on the parenting game!

We loved having Kristin and David in town - I tried to convince them not to leave!

Sara is a natural!

Darryn was also a natural with Asher.  You guys are free and clear to babysit anytime! :)

Stella petting Asher- it was a big surprise to her that Asher had somehow gotten out of my tummy, but she came to terms with it pretty quickly.  She was soon walking around say "Elijah, Raina, Baby"!

Stella really wanted to be cuddling with Asher at all times!  I think she needs a sibling!! (hint, hint)