Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Week Two Continued"

I know that Serena and Asher will be great friends.  They are only three months apart.

I'm sure that Devin has a lot that he could teach Asher, and Sam and Andrew definitely have a lot that they could teach us about raising a little boy!

Serena is growing so much, and she is gorgeous!

Corydon is sharing his fashion secrets with Asher.

Arsene was Asher's first visitor, and they became instant friends. :)

Our happy family.


Anonymous said...

Too cute, that little boy. No more projectile pee-pee, Asher! :) Congrats again, he is beautiful. Dana L.

Faithfully Anna said...

OMG I'm sorry Raina but u had a mini Elijah...hey been there done that twice:)none of my kids look like me!He is beautiful and u have the perfect little family....oh and the pee thing? I always threw a wipe over Matt when I opened the diaper...worked every time..