Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Voyage to the Motherland"

On April 5th, Elijah and I took a trip to Colombia.  Both of Elijah's parents are from the coastal town of Barranquilla and many of their family members still reside there.  It was my first time traveling to Colombia, and it was so wonderful to meet his grandmother and many other relatives.  It was also nice that Elijah's mom, brother and sister all traveled from Georgia to meet us there for the week.  We had an amazing time!  Enjoy the pictures!

This is the street where Elijah's grandmother lives.

Elijah's Uncle Gabriel and cousin Renzo

The woman in the center is Elijah's grandmother, Mama Ana.  The other two ladies are her sisters - they are all so tiny!!!

Elijah's sister Elianna, cousin Natalie, Aunt Marina, Elijah's mom Maria and of course Elijah himself

Elijah's hilarious Uncle Gabriel

Elijah with his Mama Ana

This is Elijah's cousin Yesenia - she is so sweet!  We are at the airport waiting for Elijah's mom, brother and sister to arrive.

"La familia"

We took an overnight trip to Cartagena.  This is the gorgeous coastline!

Cousin Marilin and Aunt Elsie

This band was performing live outside by the pool at our hotel in Cartagena!

Of course, we took the opportunity to break it down!

Elijah and his Dad - yes, there is a height differentiation! :)

Mama Ana in her backyard

Our night out in Cartagena!

Cousin Jason and the beautiful Elianna

"The boys" - Elijah's brother Emiro, Elijah and uncle Alvarro

Yesenia and Elianna


This is the church in Barranquilla where Elijah's parents were married.

Mr. and Mrs. Miranda

"Pretty ladies in white"

Elijah and his friend Mr. Sloth

Elijah's hot mama, myself and Yesenia

"The twins" - Elijah's brother Emiro and his uncle Alavarro look just alike!

This is the family enjoying one of the many scrumptious Colombian meals we enjoyed while we were there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all the piiictures! Is that really a sloth elijah's holding?? I can't stop laughing!!