Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Eighteen Weeks"

Whoa belly!  Well, the expansion continues and the belly is definitely starting to show.  I've noticed a big change over the last week.  (This picture was taken right after I got out of the shower - so please ignore the wet hair look!)

I was promised by many that the morning sickness would subside at about sixteen weeks.  However, this has not really been the case with me.  I will admit that the first four weeks of sickness were by far the worst, but I definitely still suffer with it! :(  However, I find myself getting more and more excited about the pregnancy now that I'm actually starting to look like a pregnant person.  Also, we should be finding out the sex soon!  We tried to find out at fifteen weeks, but the baby was kneeling.  Elijah said that the baby was praying and could not be interrupted!  Hopefully, at our next appointment the baby will be more cooperative!


Anonymous said...

you're the cutest little preggo ever!!

Hannah Hoffmann said...

Wow, you and Kate are due right about the same time! That's fun.

You weren't messin' around with all the updates! Glad to see what's happening with ya'll.

KateVonGlahn said...

Very cute!

Anna said...

Awwww. :)