Friday, July 4, 2008

"24 Weeks"

Well, the tummy is getting bigger, bigger and bigger!  There is no doubt that I "look" pregnant now.  One of the biggest benefits is getting seats offered to you on the subway, and everyone wants to carry things for you.  I'm also feeling a lot better.  If I eat every couple of hours, the nausea is kept to a minimum.  16 weeks to go until our little Asher arrives, and we can't wait!!!


Pops said...

Little Asher "Bobby" Miranda is on the grow. You look radient at 24 wks. Can't wait to see y'all! Pops

Anonymous said...

I'm hopin' people offer me a seat when they see my about to topple over with a newborn strapped to my front & a diaper bag strapped to my back!
You look so pretty rainbowbean. :)

Gina Ferrara said...

Your dad is a real gem. Love his comment!

You look so cute, wish I was there to hear all the details of your pregnancy with Asher!

You're almost in your 3rd tri!! Wow, time flies.

love you!!!

KateVonGlahn said...

Hmm...I'm choosing to think that the reason that I am already bigger than you is the fact that this is my third baby. Right? Not the fact that I want to eat constantly?

Anonymous said...

You look amazing. I love seeing the updates. Only 16 more weeks!!! That is if you go full term. All of my boys came early. TOOOOO Exciting!!!